Clare, 38 and Cam,38

(Husband and wife with 3 small
children aged 3, 2 and 1)

"As parents to three children aged three and under, we were finding time was limited to get out of the house to exercise.  We decided to give pilates a go and began training with Kirsti at our home, twice a week, and we were hooked! Kirsti has been a terrific instructor. She scales and tailors exercise to each of our strengths and weaknesses. We have both seen measurable benefits from the twice-weekly sessions, especially in our core strength and flexibility, and we are both now pilates devotees! Kirsti herself is knowledgeable and friendly, and brilliant with our children when they’re climbing all over us (and her!) during our classes."

Ian, 61

(suffers persistent lower back pain)

"Following back surgery in recent years, I have undertaken Pilates with Kirsti for the past nine (9) months, and have made substantial improvement in both my flexibility and fitness. Having a chronic back condition including spinal degeneration, Kirsti is both caring and cognisant of my condition and ensures that the exercises I undertake are sensitive to this and where necessary adapted to avoid any aggravation of my injuries. Yet at the same time, her pilates sessions have significantly reduced my back pain and increased my mobility and fitness. Kirsti’s enthusiasm and passion for pilates is infectious and her classes are always fun and interesting. Quality of life has certainly improved since doing Kirsti’s pilates sessions."

Kirsti provides one on one pilates in your home

Kirsti provides one on one pilates in your home


Amanda, 34

(4.5 months pregnant)

"I started Pilates with Kirsti in my home before my pregnancy and the focus on my posture and core strength helped me with shoulder, hip and upper back pain issues I had experienced for years. I noticed improvement in my posture and overall movement. Kirsti worked with me to strengthen vulnerable areas such as my hips and knees in the period of trying to get pregnant which built my confidence my body would cope better with pregnancy.

Across my pregnancy Kirsti has adapted the program daily based on how my body feels and any pain or tension I may have. Her knowledge of the body has helped build a huge amount of awareness for me of what is happening inside me- knowledge is power after all! Her imagery and descriptions, when describing muscles groups and actions, really helps me to focus on the part of the body I should be working and assists me to understand how to activate the correct muscles.  

I love how versatile Kirsti is during her sessions, we use different areas of the house, she has props she brings along. It’s not uncommon to grab a chair or pillow to work with during an exercise. This has also allowed me to complete familiar exercises myself in her absence also.

Kirsti is so friendly and passionate about her work, I always look forwards to out sessions and finish them feeling refreshed and in a positive state of mind.  I highly recommend ‘Kirsti pilates to You’- to anyone."

Kate, 30  and Ross, 30

(Partners who do Pilates twice a week together)

"We love Kirsti’s pilates classes. As beginners to pilates, Kirsti made the journey less daunting and a whole lot of fun. Kirsti’s strength lies in her ability to bring her sense of humour and supportive nature to asses your abilities. She seems to always know just the right time to encourage you to push yourself ensuring you improve after each class. Also, Kirsti’s classes are a great way for men too try pilates in the comfort of their own home."

Nathalie, 48

(Nathalie suffers with persistent neck and shoulder pain as well as a knee injury)

"Having numerous back, neck and shoulder issues, Kirsti has been absolutely amazing in helping me work towards overcoming them. It is by no means an easy task but there have been lots of improvements in the short time that Kirsti has been working with me. I feel 100% confident with her, as she took the time to discuss my troubles with my Osteopath and knows exactly what my weaknesses are. Kirsti explains all the exercises in terms of what they will achieve, how they are achieved and also gives easy to understand visualisations, which make it much simpler to complete the exercise.
I certainly feel better and stronger and I look forward to my sessions with the lovely Kirsti."

As a long time Reformer Pilates participant, I was really missing my classes in lockdown 2020 and the thought of doing mat pilates just didn't excite me; I didn't think I would get as much excitement or a workout from it, given previous experience years prior, elsewhere. I instantly loved Kirsti's classes - I was amazed that virtual classes could be so enjoyable (as others I have tried haven't been) and that mat classes leave me feeling like I have had a great workout similar to a reformer session but also feeling relaxed and refreshed. I always look forward to the class as a good start to the weekend after a long week of working and home schooling

Jane, 41

(Jane is a busy working single Mum of two primary school children)