3 Easy Ways to Manage Stress

For this month’s blog, I have enlisted an expert in the field of managing stress, Bethany Sita from The Happy Republic. Have a read of the 3 easy ways Bethany recommends to manage the stressors in our life!

Stress is a common problem that affects many people today. It can be caused by a variety of factors such as work, relationships, finances, and health issues as well as cause many health problems people face today.

 If you're anything like me, being a busy woman where so many people rely on me for different things, on top of that 'hustle culture' which has been praised in recent times, you're bound to feel stress. And a lot of it!

 However, the good news is that there are many effective ways to manage stress.

 As an Integrative Nutrition Health Coach & Yoga Instructor, I want to share some of the best ways I have found to manage stress through breathwork, mindset, and meditation.


Breathwork is a technique that involves controlled breathing to promote relaxation and reduce stress. There is an entire limb of yoga dedicated to breathwork (called Pranayama).

 Pranayama refers to the practice of controlling and regulating the breath. It is a combination of two Sanskrit words: "prana," which means life force or vital energy, and "ayama," which means expansion or extension.

 In yoga, pranayama involves various breathing techniques that can help to balance the body and mind, increase vitality, and promote relaxation and mental clarity. Some of the commonly practiced pranayama techniques include deep breathing, alternate nostril breathing, and ujjayi breathing.

Practicing pranayama regularly can have numerous physical and mental benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety, improving respiratory function, boosting the immune system, and enhancing overall well-being. 

 Aside from the traditional pranayama techniques, one of my favourite and effective breathwork strategies is called the 4-7-8 breath. To perform this, follow these simple steps:

  1. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound.

  2. Close your mouth and inhale through your nose to a mental count of four.

  3. Hold your breath for a count of seven.

  4. Exhale completely through your mouth, making a whoosh sound to a count of eight.

  5. This completes one breath. Now inhale again and repeat the cycle three more times.

This technique can be done anywhere and anytime you feel stressed or anxious. It helps to calm the nervous system and bring your focus back to the present moment.


Your mindset can greatly impact your stress levels. By shifting your mindset, you can change the way you perceive stress and improve your ability to manage it.

One way to do this is through positive self-talk.

Positive self-talk is a technique that involves using positive and constructive words and phrases to promote self-encouragement, self-belief, and self-motivation. Here are some examples of positive self-talk and why it's essential:

  1. "I can do this": This phrase reinforces self-belief and confidence. By telling yourself that you are capable of achieving a goal, you create a positive mindset that can help you overcome challenges and obstacles.

  2. "I am strong and resilient": This statement reinforces your inner strength and ability to overcome challenges. It can help you remain focused and motivated during tough times.

  3. "I am making progress": Focusing on your progress can help you stay motivated and encourage you to continue making strides towards your goals. This phrase can help you avoid negative self-talk and self-doubt.

  4. "I am deserving of success": This phrase reinforces self-worth and helps combat negative self-talk that can hold you back from achieving your goals.

  5. "I choose to focus on the positive": This statement helps shift your mindset from negative thinking to positive thinking. It can help you reframe negative situations and look for the silver lining.

Positive self-talk is essential because it can help improve your mental and emotional wellbeing. It can boost your self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-worth. It can also help you manage stress, anxiety, and depression by promoting a positive and constructive mindset. 

Another way to shift your mindset is through gratitude.

Gratitude involves focusing on and appreciating the good things in our lives, such as our relationships, experiences, and personal achievements. Here are some reasons why gratitude is important and how it impacts our brain:

  1. Gratitude enhances positive emotions: Focusing on what we are grateful for increases our positive emotions, such as happiness, joy, and contentment. These emotions can help reduce stress and improve our overall mental health.

  2. Gratitude improves physical health: Studies have shown that practicing gratitude can improve our physical health by reducing symptoms of illness and chronic pain. Gratitude can also boost our immune system and help us recover faster from illnesses.

  3. Gratitude strengthens relationships: Expressing gratitude towards others can help strengthen our relationships and build trust. It can also improve our communication skills and make us more empathetic towards others.

  4. Gratitude improves sleep: Practicing gratitude can help improve the quality and duration of our sleep. It can also reduce symptoms of insomnia and improve our overall sleep hygiene.

  5. Gratitude changes the brain: Studies have shown that practicing gratitude can change the structure and function of our brains. It can increase the activity in the prefrontal cortex, which is responsible for positive emotions and decision-making.

Overall, practicing gratitude is a powerful tool that can help improve our mental and physical health, strengthen our relationships, and enhance our overall quality of life. Focusing on what you are grateful for can help shift your focus away from stress and onto positive things in your life. Take a few minutes each day to write down what you are grateful for.


As a health coach, I can tell you that meditation is an incredibly powerful tool for managing stress. It has been shown to help reduce anxiety, depression, and overall feelings of stress. Additionally, regular meditation practice can improve sleep, boost immune function, and increase overall feelings of well-being.

One of the main reasons why meditation is so effective at reducing stress is that it helps to activate the body's relaxation response.

When we experience stress, our bodies enter into a state of fight or flight, where the sympathetic nervous system is activated and cortisol and adrenaline are released. This can cause a range of physiological responses, including increased heart rate, rapid breathing, and muscle tension. Meditation can help to activate the parasympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for rest and relaxation, and counteract the effects of the stress response.

To begin a meditation practice, find a quiet and comfortable place to sit. It can be helpful to set a timer for 5-10 minutes to start with. Sit with your back straight, but not rigid, and your hands resting on your thighs. You can close your eyes or keep them slightly open, whichever feels more comfortable. Begin by taking a few deep breaths, inhaling through your nose and exhaling through your mouth. Allow your breath to settle into a natural rhythm.

As you meditate, you may notice that your mind begins to wander. This is completely normal and to be expected. When you notice that your mind has wandered, simply bring your attention back to your breath. 

You can also try focusing on a word or phrase, known as a mantra, to help keep your mind focused. Some people find it helpful to visualize a peaceful scene, like a beach or a forest, while they meditate.

Remember that meditation is a practice, and it can take time to develop. Try to approach it with a sense of curiosity and openness, rather than judgment or expectation. Over time, you may find that your meditation practice helps you feel more calm, centered, and resilient in the face of stress.

 Well folks, there you have it, some of the best (and free) ways I know how to manage stress. The great thing about these tools is they are accessible to anyone. We can all breathe, speak kindly to ourselves, find something to be grateful for and sit still (I know, it can actually be quite challenging). 

It's important to remember that managing stress is critical for our overall health and well-being. By incorporating techniques like breathwork, mindset, and meditation into our daily routine, we can improve our ability to manage stress and live a happier, healthier life. Try these techniques for yourself and see how they can help you reduce stress and feel more relaxed.

You can catch Bethany and I at my next Pillars of Wellness event ‘Stress Management’ on May 27th in Highett, Bayside. In this workshop I will run an invigorating Pilates class, followed by a breathwork and meditation class from Bethany. There will be drinks and nibbles after the class- another fun way to de-stress with others. Check out more and buy your tickets here.